Ireland grasslands autumn colors

Although summer is peak tourist season in Ireland, and everything radiates an emerald green, you might discover autumn a more intriguing time to visit as there are fewer tourists, lower prices, and a richer spectrum of color, especially in the meadow grasslands.


Ireland grass autumn storm colors

No matter what time of year you visit, you may want to take an umbrella (or light hooded rain poncho) since Ireland experiences a tad more annual rainfall than Hawaii, the wettest and greenest state in the US.


Ireland grassland autumn colors clouds

Almost 70% of Ireland is covered in rowdy grasslands, a good thing, too, since the country has more sheep than people. Although traffic signs are posted in both the English and Irish languages, Ireland has fewer native-Irish-language speakers than cows, b’gosh and begorrah.


Ireland lake storm clouds

It may rain a little each day, but in autumn, it’s usually only light drizzles as opposed to downpours. And then, the sun appears. Similar to Hawaii (but yeah, not exactly, and few people are wearing flip-flops, even fewer wear sunscreen) — perhaps something to do with the disparate latitudes and the innate differences between the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. When you decide to visit, check out this site for further information and current weather conditions in Ireland:


Ireland waterfall w/lovers

Ireland boasts some fairly rugged mountain passes and steep narrow roads with impressive photogenic switchbacks (interestingly, still single lane in some places), and there are plenty of hiking trails with imposing natural scenery and wildlife:  rivers, lakes, waterfalls, wild heather, deer, pygmy shrews.


Ireland ivy autumn red

Whole walls, and buildings, that are covered in ivy become a riot of green during the summer months, naturally; then they begin to transform into stunning autumn hues.


Ireland storm over grasslands, sheep graze

You’ll probably see more sheep than cattle on the grassy slopes. You can drive for hours in some areas without sighting a human. Some days you may see more clouds than sun; however, they seem to lay a palpable mantle of peace and calm over the land.


Irish village Ring of Kerry

You’ll drive through unique, tiny villages (in this post, I’m consciously attempting not to use the word “quaint” anywhere) that seem to have emerged from a much earlier time in history. You’ll discover more privately-owned retail shops than chain stores here and meet sincerely helpful and friendly locals everywhere.


Irish green plant, rocks

You’ll notice plants you’ve never seen before—some, flourishing in fairly unlikely places.


Irish road w/rain, grasslands

If you’re accustomed to driving on the right, you may need to acclimate to driving on the left. But once you do, cruising Ireland’s quaint —oh, poop— back-country roads is quite simply a sheer delight. However, some of the narrow roads may not be the perfect place you’d choose to experience a flat tire (that story next week).


Ring of Kerry cliffs ocean rain

You can stroll along sandy beaches in Ireland, and if you drive down the Wild Atlantic Way, you’ll see vertical cliffs plunge into the sea, lighthouses perched on off-shore islands , and surfers riding 10-foot waves. What you probably won’t see at any time of year is snow on the ground as Ireland boasts a fairly temperate year-round climate.


Ring of Kerry Ireland cliff clear water

Although they call Ireland the “Emerald Isle” because the land glistens so thoroughly green during summer, the ocean lives up to the reputation all year long.


Ireland cheese Aran islands

There’s nothing quite like fresh cheese straight from the farm. You’ll still find a host of small farms operating in Ireland; you’ll also find more people than goats here. Perhaps not surprising, though, because get this: they are now selling goat meat as food in Ireland—I kid you not.


Ireland mountain lake clouds

Ireland’s high-mountain lakes and rocky shores create stunning settings for picnic lunches—or for filming locations for scenes in Star Wars and Game of Thrones.


Ireland, Ring of Kerry quaint houses

Local architecture illuminates the land as if from an earlier, perhaps simpler, olde-worlde era—or as though you just drove into a fairy tale.


Glass of Guinness pint

If you’ve ever sipped a Guinness from a can or bottle outside Ireland, you haven’t encountered what Guinness is all about—it’s one of those experiences where you have to “be there” to fully fathom the concept, including the 119 seconds it takes to pour one properly.


Luck of the Irish

Get this: you know how you become close to some bloggers you follow and may actually call them “friends” even though you’ve never shared coffee or even met them in person…while I was in Killarney, Ireland, I ran into two blogger friends who I’ve been following online for a couple years now—what are the odds of that, Irish luck, indeed. For those of you who don’t yet follow Sue and Dave at Travel Tales of Life, take a look at what they’ve been up to in Ireland.


18 S&D2 9362SM
Sue, Badfish (lightweight with a half-pint), and Dave at OD’s in Killarney



Kindle Giveaway

I know this may seem a little odd here, but if you’d like to win a Kindle and not carry novels or your Lonely Planet guidebooks in your bag on your next journey, Matt at Expert Vagabond (he was also in Killarney attending the TBEX Conference) is giving one of the latest-version Kindles away. Maybe check it out and enter his giveaway on his most-recent post:  Favorite Travel Books.





    • Full monty…right. Actually, it is very good to be back in the saddle. Yeah, for a while, my blog was blocked and I couldn’t post. And for a while, I was traveling and simply did not post–call it burn out or sabbatical or just plain lazy. Now I’m unblocked, and I guess I can write some now. I love your new blog theme.

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  1. Well well, look who’s back in town! 🙂 Glad to read your posts again, Badfish. You know, halfway through the post, I was actually thinking of Sue and Dave … then came the end of the post. How nice that the three of you — two from Calgary, one from Abu Dhabi — met in Ireland over Guinness!


    • Hey, Bama. Yup, just dropped back into town from the nether world. Good to be home. And right, what a treat to meet up with Sue and Dave…plus they bought the round of Guinness! Were you thinking of Sue and Dave because they were in Ireland or they just popped into your head? I would have liked linking up with you guys on that Spice Islands tour a while ago…I still think of those posts and places.


      • I was thinking of them because I remembered a few weeks ago they were in Ireland. So I was thinking if you were there around the same time. If you’re thinking of going to the Spice Islands, do let me know!


    • Debbie, glad you like the photos. Ireland seems to be one of those places where you can point your camera and walk away with a cool shot without hardly trying. Small world, in deed.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lois…hey, thanks. Glad you’re still around, also. And yeah, very cool meeting up with blogger buddies who live half the world away. Good to be back, and glad to see you here again.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I smiled to see your name today, as Lucile has put out the word for all of us to search for you. And now you’ve been found. Loved the post, love Guinness, and love meeting blogging friends in real life. Let me know if you’re ever in the Chicago area.



    • Hey Janet, good to see you back here in blog land…actually, also good to be back in blog land. I guess we have Lucille to blame for my return. And yeah, it was very cool meeting Sue and Dave in person, it was as though I really did know them. I was in Chicago maybe four or five years ago. I like that city. I took the train from Winona, MN to Tucson, AZ…that was a cool trip. Never wrote about it in the blog.


  3. I feel honored to have previewed that lead-off photo, which may still be my favorite of this post. (The next grass shot and the red ivy are close behind.) I never even thought about you meeting Sue and Dave there even though I was following their exploits in Ireland; I am looking forward to the day when I meet up with one of my blogging friends (I got sooooo close this month, but it didn’t work out). Now that you’re privy to all of the blogging world’s big secrets, I hope you’ll be back more often! To paraphrase what they say here in Austin, though, stay weird!


    • Lexi, yeah, I actually love that first photo. And love the sky in the second shot. The red ivy was ALL over that building, the hotel I stayed in–very quaint hotel! So fun to meet up with Sue and Dave. I had actually read one of their Ireland posts, but didn’t actually put it together that they would be in Killarney when I was there…at the same hotel, and conference. I didn’t gather any real secrets…it’s just about hard work, mostly. I’ll try to keep my foot in the door here. What do the “actually” say…”stay weird” is pretty weird, and apropos. You live in Austin??? Did I know that?


      • They say “Keep Austin weird” and no, I just meant I was here in Texas (Houston) and identify with that slogan! I don’t want your new blogging knowledge to make your posts sound like everyone else’s! 🙂


        • Ah, got it. OK, weird it is. Well, it always has been, so I don’t think I’m going to change. I did learn some things that the “pros” say to do…that I just don’t want to do.

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  4. Hiiiiiiii!!!! Good to see you! You really make me want to go to Ireland. What gorgeous pictures. Love all the color! Really beautiful. The goat cheese guy looks like he has fairie wings. I notice still, you just can’t get away from the word “poop.” Never mind quaint.
    Nice to see you back here BF!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Mary!! Good to see you again, too. For some reason, Ireland was never on my list of places to visit. Don’t know why. And now I’m glad I went because it is awesome. And I felt so comfortable there, and at home. And what’s not to like…except the rain, which really wasn’t that bad. It would have been cool to have two wings on the goat cheese guy. I did get a “poop” in this post, but you’ll notice I wrote flip flops instead of thongs.

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  5. Oh yay, Mr Fish, I am so glad you are back and relieved to hear it was probably just amazing travel that kept you from us!!

    These photos stir something in me. I have always kind of believed the Woo Woo folks who say cellular memory is really a thing. If it is, my Irish DNA is screaming in delight at your captures!!

    I too love the photo of you with your friends (“friends” no longer needing quotes around it!).

    And forgive me if this is tacky. I still don’t know if it is OK to do this but here’s my post on meeting my dear blogger friend this summer.

    Welcome back!


    • Kathie,
      Are they really “woo woo” folks who believe in cell memory? The concept sounds very logical to me. Why else would you be afraid of snakes or heights for no reason? I think my cells have been to Ireland before, because it felt truly familiar to me. And you can leave your link in my comments–I don’t know (or care) if someone thinks it’s tacky. It’s you! And relevant. And cool. And it’s so glad to have you back in my life!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You too.!! But now you’ve forced me to put Ireland on a damn Bucket List! We have friends here (well, the San Juan Islands) who won a pub, WON A PUB, in Ireland. (long, delightful story) Ever since their adventure, I have been curious but now I feel compelled!! Welcome back!!


        • I have to admit, there is a certain marvelous energy there, and it feels very comfortable to me, like a long-lost home or something…or if there is such a thing as past lives, I must of lived there once. Maybe it’s why I don’t like rain–cellular memories??

          Liked by 1 person

    • Darlene, hey thanks for visiting and hanging out here. How did you find me…from Sue and Dave’s blog, or just magic or what? I’m amazed at all the books you’ve written.


  6. Heavens to Betsy, what IS the likelihood of finding you in the Reader when I’m on a cat feeding mission in an absent neighbour’s house in the Algarve? We don’t have Wifi in our own and fair exchange is no robbery. And that after Lucile and Lexie have pursued you till you capitulate and post! Yee-ha! 🙂 🙂 That black and white you posted- I may have sat beside that lake with a watery sun all a-glimmer. The friend I was campervanning with had gone off me so I was exiled rather beautifully. And don’t you just love the rainbow house colours? 🙂


    • Jo…Cat feeding…well, I believe that is precisely the kind of place you would find me, eh. I have to admit, I thought about you quite a bit while on sabbatical from blog world. I found and went on so many walks. But then, didn’t write about them. And every time I see or hear the word Algarve! I think I better get there soon. A place with no wi-fi…hmmmm. That might be nice.

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  7. Badfish we are still grinning ear to ear at meeting in Ireland. Good for you to have an eagle eye and spot us in the crowd. Such a delight to share a Guinness, even if you are a lightweight. We hope this will be the start of many more visits. Best wishes on your new ventures and if we can be helpful in any way don’t hesitate to be in touch! Gorgeous photos by the way. Ireland is one stuffed with beauty country.


    • Sue…me too, still grinning. And thanks for buying me that Guinness, lightweight or no. And in my defence, I did order a full pint later before dinner! Guinness just doesn’t taste the same in a half-pint glass. As for the photos…it’s kinda difficult not to take a good shot around the Ring of Kerry, eh. I guess I could use your help a bit. I notice you and Dave have helmets on in your gravatar, and I’m thinking of photoshopping a Guinness in my fish’s hand in my gravatar…what do you think?


  8. Well! Welcome back! Lucile trimmed up a possy for you…and we have all been on the lookout. Ireland! Could not be more emerald than that – great shots of course, and when we went last summer I finally learned to love a real Guinness! Hope you will stay with us for a while now.


    • Leya,
      I know, that Lucille!! At least I know if I actually am lost some time, at some point, someone will come looking for me. And right, I’m planning on sticking around here on the blog for a while now. Thanks so much for hanging out here. You know, I don’t like Guinness at all out of a can, but in Ireland out of the tap, and poured properly, many, I’m addicted. I can’t live in Ireland, I’d get a beer belly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Gilly…so good to see you again. I don’t like rain either, but it actually wasn’t that bad, and didn’t pour hard, and cleared up usually. It was very nice for a vacation, but I like sun too much to actually live there even though I felt very comfortable there.


  9. OMG you met Sue and Dave! I wish we’d been there too! Sue and Dave are online friends that I’ve never met in person even though they live in the next province. I know I’ll meet them one day.
    This post is a gem. Every single photo is a winner. I’ve wanted to go to Ireland since I was 14! I’d better get on it.


    • Yeah…Sue and Dave just appeared out of a crowd of about 500 bloggers. Boom, there they were sitting near the aisle. Sue was easy to spot as I’ve seen her face a bunch, and she has cool and distinctive features. And hair. Glad you like the photos. Hard not to take a good one in Ireland in good light. I’d never desired to visit, but I’m glad I did and now I want to return for a longer visit. It felt very easy-to-live there, and as though they were maybe 20 years behind the rest of us (a good thing).

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Yay!! Glad you are back and all is well, have missed you! Guinness…Its good for you! Very serendipitous to have met some other bloggers you know, considering there are a billion bloggers out there! HA! Cool for you all! Beautiful pictures Mr. Badfish, as usual. Like many of the places you visit…I’ve always wanted to go there! Thanks for the trip! Looking forward to the next story!


    • Keli, it’s good to be back, and I’m glad you’re still here and kicking, so to speak. I’ve taken to buying fridge magnets (maybe it’s an old-age thing?), and the one I bought in Ireland, after looking and looking to find the perfect one, has the front of a thatch-roof cottage with a bike leaning against the wall and above it, a sign that reads: Guinnes is good for you. Next story coming up soon.

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  11. Welcome back! Ireland has been on our radar for a while, you just pushed it to the top. I gather from Sue’s comment above that you ‘spotted’ them in a crowd? Luck of the Irish indeed 🙂


    • Madhu
      Thanks, it was good to take a break, but also disappointing not to be here with the crew. I never wanted to visit Ireland before (don’t have a reason why not), but now I want to go back. My advice to you is do not drink a Guinness–you will become addicted and want to live in Ireland. Yeah, I spotted Sue and Dave in a crowd of maybe 500 people. They are rather distinctive, though.

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  12. Beautiful photos!
    Sheep (or fuzzy pigs, as one small child explained to me) – I remember thinking there were an incredible number of them in Scotland too.


    • I think I saw more sheep in a week in Ireland than I’ve seen my whole life. Many were just running loose, grazing or walking down the middle of the road. I guess I’ll have to go to Scotland next.


  13. Great to see you Badfish. 🙂 We spent 8 days in Ireland in 1999 and of course it wasn’t nearly enough. We would love to return for a much longer visit one day and I think you’re right. Autumn would be a perfect time, with fewer visitors and wonderful colours. Meeting blogging friends is such a treat isn’t it. It’s like catching up with kindred spirits.


    • Carol, well, it’s good to be back, glad to see you’re still here! It’s odd, because I never really had the desire to visit Ireland, though I thought I might at some point…simply because it was there, and they speak English (sort of). But now, yeah, like you, I want to return and spend much more time there. And meeting Sue and Dave was very cool. You’re right–kindred spirits!!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. You have been missed, not only by me but apparently everyone in the blogosphere! Wonderful to have you back. Would you like a cup of tea? 🙂 Thanks for this beautiful, colorful and quaint post on an otherwise boring Friday night. Hope you are well and stocked up with new stories to tell from the summer, perhaps? Please don’t make us wait another five months! The world needs your humor and tales of adventure. Enjoy the weekend!


    • Kelly…well, of course, I’d like a cup of tea. But after visiting Ireland, I might prefer a Guinness (which I never liked before). It’s so good to hear from you again! It’s good to be back, and yeah, it’s kinda cool that someone actually missed me. I guess I just needed a break. And I do have some stories to tell from summer. Coming up soon. I missed you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, blogging requires breaks from time to time. It’s hard to keep the content flowing on a consistent basis. I have stuff from spring that I’m just now writing about. And now I can’t remember what towns my photos are from! Argh. So happy you’re back and hope you enjoyed the weekend. 🙂


        • Right. Breaks. I never actually wrote the piece I have/had in mind for my trip to Bhutan!!! To be honest, I got a little overwhelmed by the business of blogging, and by how much I didn’t know about it, and how much others did know, like SEO and inbound links and HA and PA. And I hate all those acronyms.


  15. Too funny! You ran into Sue and Dave by accident in Ireland?! I can imagine that was a loud and rowdy meeting!

    Nice to hear from you again, Badfish … and nice to actually see a photo of you as well 🙂


    • Joanne…I know. I had actually read one of their posts about Ireland, but didn’t put two and two together, didn’t even think about running into them or hooking up with them there, or even that they would still be there. Funny how the cosmos works. We did have a good time, if not quite loud and rowdy. And they bought the Guinness! Glad to see you are still here!


  16. So THAT’S where you’ve been hiding!!! Lordy! Thought you’d driven off a cliff somewhere! That picture of the leaves is SOOOOOOO gorgeous. I have to show this post to Arn. We’re STILL trying to get there. But how on earth did you realize that you knew your blogging buddies when you met? (It’s so good to see you back, my fishy friend. 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

    • CAlen, dear!!! Missed you immensely. But sometimes a guy needs what a guy needs…some times that’s a break from real life and cyber life, maybe?
      Still trying to get there…I thought you had made plans. Was it a cruise? Was it Ireland?
      I recognized Sue because of her photo, and she many times shows photos of her doing things in her posts. It was a sheer fluke, however, that I even saw her in the crowd…fate, karma, kismet???


      • Running into them was just so cool. I’ve met a lot of epals, too, over the years. Yes, we were scheduled for a cruise around the UK and Paris in September, but I was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Myasthenia Gravis and it screwed everything up. We’ve rescheduled for May, but are now considering a bus tour instead through the interior as there would be less walking. My one disappointment is that I wouldn’t get to see Stonehenge. I’m SO glad you’re well. Fim and I were worrying about you! Thought perhaps you’d come back to the states.


        • Calen…what the??? I’ve never heard of that, and I don’t want to look it up. A bus tour would work, but still you have to get out and walk. Why not rent a car and you can drive right up to things? And why wouldn’t a bus tour go to Stonehenge–it should be on EVERY tour??? I don’t know the name of the company but I know of one that takes you there early before they open and you can actually get next to the stones. Otherwise, you only see them from a bit of a distance, which is still cool…just not totally cool. And I also just got a message from FIm finally!!! seems she’s OK. Good luck with things!


    • Sue, how cool. Where did you go, all over? I was only in the south from Dublin down. A very cool part of the country from what I can tell. I gave the Blarney stone a miss…I wasn’t going to kiss that thing!

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  17. Hi Badfish, I’m so happy to see you officially back and blogging again.
    I missed to see this post’s when published dats ago for being absent from WP a few days.
    I hope all bloggers that enlisted to your search party have seen you on the Reader.
    It’s a great pleasure to read your post and enjoy your photos again, which proved that you had a great time there.
    I have only twice visited Dublin and spent a weekend in Galway for the wedding of a Chinese friend with an Irish guy. Of course.
    During the bus trip to get there, I felt like renting a car next time and going around the country. Your post confirmed it’s a worthy idea.
    You made me think of what could have been a blog post back then, when during the party, a friend of the groom took off the garter of the bride with his teeth, in the most Irish tradition. The parents of the bride who sat for dinner in the sane table I was, might be in shock until today.
    Well, how wonderful to have met two bloggers you knew, and you haven’t even planned that?
    It’s a great experience. I still regret that we didn’t meet in Amsterdam and you never saw the red bridge.
    Please come back every week as I, we, love you and your narratives and the bonus of stunning photos.


    • My dear Lucille…yes, it is soooo great to be back. I missed you (and others and blogging) so very much. But then, maybe I needed a break?
      I will ALWAYS be coming back to Amsterdam, so some day, I will cross that dang red bridge and you can photograph my crusty face in black and white!!!


      • Baddie, I do understand your need for a break. I had also been absent for most of last year, although it was work related.
        I need social media detox sometimes, not only from blogging (it can be a full-time job, as you know) but e-mail and all other online stuff. It can be addictive but it also takes a lot of time from other more relevant activities.
        I will ALWAYS be looking forward to meeting and shooting you in B&W! Just don’t take too long for that. 😉


        • Time…you’re so right. It takes too much time every day just to go through and delete emails I don’t want to read. Why did I even sign up for all those? For me, it was the same…needed time to chill, and also to figure out what was what with blogging.


          • Perhaps you may consider to spend some time unsubscribing and then you won’t be bothered anymore.
            If your Blogging motivation is to become famous, have thousands followers and monetize it, then you should take your time and follow your pace, really (even if some buddy bloggers launch a search party when you take a break…).
            I used to be more concerned about not being fast to reply to comments, and to promptly read the blogs of all that read mine, etc. But I realised that NO ONE has time for that, so how could I?
            The same applies to you. Chill out.
            And thanks for stopping by. It makes me happy to see you around.


          • No, my motivation is not to become famous and do a business. On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind a little monetizing, take in a little cash each month. But I don’t want to get so big I have to hire people to work for me. I would like an assistant who knows all about SEO stuff though.


          • There are so many blog posts teaching about SEO stuff but I get tired just reading it because it’s so much work. Maybe you can ask the advice of a professional who can help you achieve what you want.


          • Yeah, I’m with you—just too tiring reading about the stuff and trying to figure out all those three-letter abbreviations of things. Jeesh, why can’t life just be easy.


          • That’s why I don’t bother about SEO and any other tip to increase followers. Then life can be easy.
            How’re things in AD after your return? Did you move to the new apartment? Hope you’re well.


          • Yeah, I moved to the new apt before I left for Ireland (three days later). The place is still in disarray, boxes everywhere, file cabinets messed up. But life is good. I have 3 weeks semester break…I’ll get things in order then. Or maybe go back to Ireland. Or Amsterdam!


  18. Well, well, well… I’m just back from a years “sabbatical” “leave” or what you will. (I also ran out of data and so WP would not let me continue…) But I missed you all so had to come back and set up a new blog (with some hiccoughs) and hot foot it over to see what you were up to. Good timing as I see you are just back too and what a gorgeous set of photos

    Liked by 1 person

    • hey pomme!!! good to see you back in the saddle, wondered just what happened to you. Good to see you again. And yeah, I had to take a little AWOL leave…only two hands, only so many hours in a day.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I know exactly how you feel. Hope you had a productive (whatever that included,,,) and enjoyable break away from the WP community. I will keep popping over now and then to see what you are up to… ps I seem to be addicted again 😱


  19. DUDE! I fell into my mailbox, and found a million to go through. Ireland! Closer still. Your pics, your words; it’s like getting a renewal on life. You brighten up this day. Grand to see you. Looks like, from the comments you’ve been OTL also. Least that’s what I call my LOA, or is it AWOL? Who knows. Just good to get a taste of days gone by.

    Peace Out always!

    Liked by 1 person

    • FIM!!! Hey buddy, where you been, girl? Been worried about–and missing—you here in blog world. Calen said you were OK, just…not here! Hope all is well in your space.


  20. Lovely post Badfish, and lovely to hear from you. I’ve a tear to my eye and a smile on my face thinking of my father-in-law who ‘b’gosh’d and begorrah’d’ his way through every day. You’ve given my heart more cause to pine for a visit to Ireland.


    • Hey, thanks…but then, it’s hard not to get a good shot in Ireland. Thanks for hanging out here. I went to your site, but it says you deleted it??? I wondered about “italianshamrock” and if you were in Ireland?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh no! Thanks for letting me know …. it shouldn’t be deleted , it must have taken you to my old site ! My new one that is up and running is here : . I am an Irish girl living in Italy hence the blog name 🙂 although Italy is wonderful I still miss home a lot! Nothing beats a rugged windswept Irish beach and a Guinness by a blazing fire!


        • Got it…but shouldn’t that be shamrock Italian–tomayto-tomahto! OK, so I went to your new site…very nicely done, and great photos on the foodporn post. BUT, now I noticed there is no place to “comment”? Is that on purpose?


          • I have admit I am a newbie when it comes to this blogging world! I have a comments bar on each of the blog posts when you go to post page ,,,, but not sure how to get comment appearing on the ‘front page’ ? Think it might be a limitation of the template….looks like I need to go back to school!!


  21. How lovely to see your smiling face framed between Sue’s and Dave’s. I too have that Luck of the Irish (perhaps because I am 1/4 Irish…but then aren’t we all just a little Irish?!?). I have had the pleasure of meeting several blogging friends on the road (high seas) including Sue and Dave. My only question is when is Mr Badfish going to swim into our world? Hell, if my luck holds out, I am going to see Sue and Dave again when they hit the shores of Krabi in January – that would be ‘2’ for Sue and Dave and ‘0’ for Mr. Badfish. But still love you anyhow. Magnificent photos as always. Especially love those (not going to call them) quaint (but can’t help myself because they are) shops and autumnal colors. Nice to see you posting again. Big hug from Bangkok.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Lisa! I know…life is so weird and odd and yet wonderful. Never know what’s coming around that corner ahead. Krabi in January you say? I might just pop over there, what dates? It would be cool to have a photo of the four of us…I just hope they serve Guinness there because I am now addicted (and I don’t even like beer), but that stuff in Ireland was like liquid candy. You’re in Bangkok? Working or sitting on the bow?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well now how much fun would that be #VERY. I don’t think you’ll find the same quality Guinness but come anyhow! Sue and Dave will be visiting Krabi Jan 9-12. I would love to invite you to stay with us on Amandla but can’t as The Captain’s best friend and cousin will be visiting us at that time,

        I am in Bangkok because my Mom had a fall in Krabi while visiting there with my sister. After 3,5 months of SEA land travel, I was nearly back at the boat Malaysia only having to turn around and come back to Bangkok to be with Mom. My mother was flown here by air ambulance and had partial hip replacement surgery. Bangkok is a great place for medical tourism and she is recovering nicely. She left for Chicago this morning and I am headed back to Malaysia.


        • JEESH!! Man, getting old is not for sissies, is it? I have heard Thailand was a great place for medical treatment. I hope all is well with your mom. My break from work end on 6 Jan…so no meeting up with S&D, I guess. And I actually had not planned on going anywhere, but now I’m thinking of the Northern Lights.

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          • OMG the Northern Lights is so on my list. You must go! Where will you go?!? Iceland, Alaska, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Greenland? Brrrr!

            Thailand has amazing and affordable treatment. Mom said it is the best hospital stay ever. She is now safely back in Chicago and continues to gain mobility. I am hopeful she will be traveling again soon ;-). And thanks to her, I can now add Thailand to my ‘Medical Tourism’ list where I have been a patient or at the patient’s bedside (England, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand!).


  22. I hadn’t realised it has been six months since you posted (I have had a weird summer this year), and how lovely to find you again and with the wonderful Sue and Dave! I wondered what had taken them to Ireland and I see it was a conference of all things. I guess if you want your blog to be commercial then conferences are the way to go. Me, I just enjoy the craic with fellow bloggers and recording my life whilst I can still remember what I am doing 🙂
    Great photos of the emerald isle – I have only been once and also in autumn so I can agree about the colours. And the mist and drizzle. The Atlantic Highway is very tempting. And what happened with the flat tyre? You can’t leave us in suspense for another 6 months…
    Jude xx


    • Hey Jude, yeah, I know, six months!! I guess I just needed a break. I did attend the conference, but what I discovered is that it’s too much work to go professional! I don’t want to work at blogging, I just want to travel and write. I don’t want to necessarily teach others how to travel, but that seems to be one of the biggest criteria. Anyway, I can promise it won’t be six months for the flat tire story!!

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  23. BF! It’s ME! LRose!
    Sittin’ around tonight, getting ready for the ol’ Thanksgiving whateverness, and POP! I think, what the hell ever happened to BF? So, I look you up. Lo, and behold…!
    My “by LRose” got a troll infestation, so I did everything short of deleting the blog, like, deleting all of my followers, making it unsearchable, and wiping everything off except for a handful of posts. I was successful eradicating the troll, but in the meantime, I missed blogging, so I created this blog. Now I’m running both.
    Oh, BF! I’m so, so happy to see you are still out there!
    Blog on, whenever the spirit moves you. Your blogging buddies will be here.
    Someday you’ll write about someplace I’ve been to, and we can compare notes. That’ll be a while, though, since I don’t travel, but hey…Ireland is pretty darn close to the one trans-Atlantic trip I’ve made!
    Cheers! -LRose


  24. Stunning photo gallery of Ireland. Each shot shows such a different side of it. Not just a scenic route but also a quaint one with good food and drink. Cheese, cheese and cheese. Can’t go wrong with cheese if you can stomach it. Had a squiz through talk section. Good to hear your blog got unblocked but even better you’ve been on the road 😀 Such a lovely photo of you, Sue and Dave. Met Sue almost a couple of years ago and yes, such a treat. Just as amazing in person as in the blog world.


  25. Okay I never put much thought into visiting Ireland but now, it on my top list! I did not know 70% was made of in grasslands which is nothing than I love more🙂 and the bonus of going during autumn and seeing your photos…I feel like jumping on a plane there.


    • Hey (Ann?), thanks for visiting and commenting. Ireland is wonderful to see and very green. But then, there is all that rain (which makes things green). Great place to visit! And yes, the people are so very generous and kind and friendly and helpful. A woman with her child stopped her car and asked if I needed her help changing my flat tire!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Ooohhh I finally caught a sighting of you!!! And a very nice sighting indeed. Nice to get a visual of you! We have never been to Ireland but you certainly make me intrigued to go there with your photos and recently as well we met some travelers who told us we HAVE to go to Ireland and that it is their favorite place on earth. Wow. And more sheep than people, that is enticing haha. Ireland is the “emerald isle” ? I thought Sri Lanka was the “emerald island” 🙂

    Terrific post.



  27. Wow, here I stop over after x years to see what you’re up to and first thing I stumble upon is this post on Ireland… Glad you got the possibility to go there and explore – it’s such a magical place… Immediately recognized the Clifden – I had some of the best F&C there at that restaurant ❤


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