1 Danube Geese 3488 E2SM

A WHITENESS OF SWANS (the actual venery term for a “group” of them) wings its way in silhouette downriver at sunset. When you roam around Prague, it’s a good idea to glance down and watch where you place your feet on the awkward and possibly dangerous cobblestone streets and walkways. But if you lift your head and look up, incredibly beautiful scenery abounds.

2  3Girls Vltava DSC1867 SM

A gaggle of girls actually talking and not even peeping at their iPhones while Prague Castle, across the Vltava River, peers down on them. Prague Castle according to the Guinness Book of Records is the world’s largest ancient castle, and according to Pondstone is one of the 10 Coolest Castles in the world. I concur: huge and cool.


3 Beer Sign DSC2212 SM

Pilsner Urquell—the breakfast of Czech champions—is arguably the tastiest beer around, and according to their website, the tour of their brewery is “one of the world’s best-rated tourist attractions,” but at 5% alcohol, the beer compares poorly with the 80 or 90% of Absinthe. But then again, the Urquell doesn’t taste like skunk cabbage soaked in kerosine either.


4 Begger Red DSC2767 SM

A bevy of tourists ignores the obvious question here on the Charles Bridge, built in 1357. This is the obvious question here: which came first, the beggar or the tourist? As you walk across the bridge, you see various artisans selling their wares: jewelry, portraits, photographs, paintings. Some musicians play for their supper, literally. You see beggars prostrating like this on the bridge and also in the Old Town quarter of Prague, some are females, some with dogs beside them, usually with backpacks. Bhutan would be horrified.


5 BLDG Beige DSC2686 SM

A covey of coffee drinkers rests under umbrellas at the sidewalk café near the ornate Goltz-Kinský Palace, a beautifully designed structure with a delicate Rococo façade built in 1755, on Prague’s Old Town Square. Frans Kafka’s father operated a haberdashery on the ground floor of the palace, and Kafka attended school in the palace during the late 1890’s. The palace is nestled neatly between Wenseslas Square and Charles Bridge. Yes, you guessed right—“Good King Wenseslas” from Xmas carol fame was Pragueian (10th century CE); the carol recounts Wenseslas’ actual heroic venture to give alms to a poor peasant at Xmas time during a wicked blizzard and freezing cold.


6 BridgeBreast DSC2540 SM

Shall we call it a litter of advertising? I just don’t know…a cat face, and a naked body. Your guess is as good as mine on this one. Perhaps you believe this photo portrays a bit of a superficial side to my nature. In my defense, I believe maybe it’s simply an involuntary reflex response: I see a bare breast, my camera begins to rise. But you’re right, I could have left it out of this collection. So fine, call me superficial. And transparent. Like the art on this train bridge spanning the Vltava River.

However, my inner fish might believe that if we’re not discussing poop or urine or snot or cloacas, then breasts or the mating reflex of black widow spiders would be next-best topics. I didn’t have a photo of a black widow spider.


7 Cathedral ceiling DSC2018 SM

A marvelous herd of murals and artistic decor adorn The Church of St Nicholas, a fine example of High Baroque style architecture, begun in the early 1700’s, which stands in the center of Lesser Town Square in Prague. Construction on the church lasted almost a hundred years, the size and monumental interior design could actually astonish your senses. According to his wife Constanze, Mozart loved Prague and performed on the church’s massive organ: it has more than 4,000 pipes, some up to 18 feet long.


8 Clock Crowd DSC2669 SM

A curmudgeon of tourists from all over the world gathers in front of the Old Town Hall every hour on the hour, to enjoy a fascinating mechanical performance, which in the Middle Ages was considered “one of the wonders of the world.” For 600 years, the Prague Astronomical Clock, has amazed people with its “procession of Apostles, moving statues and visualization of time.”1 Today, pilgrims still applaud, like clockwork, after each performance.

Notice the cream-colored canopies to the right and just above the heads of the crowd; these provide shade from the sun and protection from rain for diners.


9 Crowd Clock 8383 SM

If you climb the Town Hall Tower just before the minute hand strikes the hour and look down, you’ll see a pollution of pilgrims waiting to watch the show, faces turned up—some of them, most likely, those pesky, backpacker types you’ll never find in Bhutan. But get this, the blue building in the top right corner of the photo—that’s one of Prague’s Starbucks. The narrow, dark passage just to its right leads to Wenseslas Square, the large stones at the right lead to Charles Bridge.

Note the different angle here from previous photo of the cream-colored canopies.


10 Guard DSC2656 SM

On the hour at Prague Castle, perched on the hill across the Vltava River from Old Town, you’ll see the changing of the guard. These men are allegedly the most handsome men in the military and serve the President. Theodor Pištěk, who won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design for the film Amadeus, designed these uniforms. If you ask me, he should have maybe consulted the US Marines for tailoring hints. But there’s a good reason they are that color blue—we’ll save it though for a later sartorial discussion.

Side Note: many scenes from the movie Amadeus were filmed in Prague.


12 Odd Building DSC2266 SM

A cache of backpackers takes a rest near the intriguing and famous Schwarzenberg Palace, on the Hradcanske Square near Prague Castle which also houses, of all things, a new Starbucks Coffee shop with a killer view of roofs and chimneys and spires and the city and river beyond, where OK, I admit, I downed a Mocha Frappuccino Grande and chocolate chip cookie (not cheap here) while overlooking the Charles Bridge and Prague’s Old Town quarter.



If you lift your eyes and look up just about anywhere in Prague, you will most likely spy a swarm of exquisite architecture beguiling you to linger, while flaunting almost surreal grandeur, allure, color.


14 nazis 8398

Hitler intent on taking Poland had to take Czechoslovakia first, which his mob of nazis easily accomplished in March 1939. However, Hitler abstained from bombing Prague because reportedly, this is where he desired to retire after being king of the world, so he left the city intact. You’ll find a fluid, visual, orgasmic array of Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and among others, Russian-communist-style architecture in Prague.

Side Note: During the summer of 1969, I represented San Diego State University as a foreign exchange student. I spent three months in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, when it was still Yugoslavia. Under Tito, the country was supposedly communist, but it acted a whole lot more capitalist than anything, and thrived. At the end of summer in 1969, some friends and I desired to travel the 415 miles (668km, 7 or so hours) to Prague from Ljubljana, but the Russians had recently invaded the country, demonstrations and clashes were occurring, we decided maybe not the best time to visit, who knew what the Russians might do: convict us as spies, confiscate our caviar, coerce us to purchase Matryoshka dolls. So we ended up in Venice. I hear you…damn the luck. I have desired to visit Prague ever since—definitely worth the wait.

Did you happen to notice that I finally changed my “Next Big Trip” widget?  This is my new motto:    “No decision is a good decision, doing nothing is also good.”


You can find more entries to DP Photo Challenge here: Look Up

You can find more entries to Lucile’s Rehab here:   Photo Rehab

1 Frommers.com

2 Nazi Photo credit: Prague Old Town Hall archive



  1. Prague is a city I have yet to visit but one that hope to get to some day. I have heard from so many people how incredibly beautiful it is. Your photos certainly confirm that! Thanks for sharing🙂


    • Lynn…If you don’t get to Prague, at least get to Amsterdam. Both lovely cities…I had to make a special effort to get to Prague, don’t know why…but yes, beautiful, and great vibes (if you discount the Segway herds and rubber duck peddle boats


    • BB…HA!! I know, I hate it when I see a new water stain. Makes you want to curl up fetus style and close your eyes for a month until the gnomes disappear that stain.


  2. Good, you’ve got all these swarms off your chest, now you can come and visit my Prague post in peace. The three girls are my favourite. The naked poster girl – typically, I noticed the cat face and zoomed in to try to read the letters, totally neglecting to notice that she was naked. I understand the first line: “Wake me up.”

    As for your presence in my city a year before I was born – I’ll let that one go.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeeah, it took a while, but I think I’m finished with the swarms and litters and bevys. Funny…you were reading the line on the poster!
      In your city…it was a long time ago, but I’m sticking to my thought that that castle was not there…you can fake a photo in a newspaper, you know!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. love Praque! I have a few questions. Who chooses the “handsomest” men for the palace guard? Is the uniform too big for the man, or vice versa? Why is only one soldier saluting Hitler? What is Russian-Communist style architecture? And last but not least….thank you for reminding me of my favorite Christmas carol…Good King Wenceslas! I love that song, know all the words, and now will be singing, humming, whistling…the tune all day. My cats enjoy my singing, so that is a bonus! 🙂 Your photos are spectacular. Those cities like Praque always make me “hear” The Third Man Theme zither, and guys sneaking around in trench coats. Thanks for the tour! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t know the answer to most of your questions, gal. Russian style is just plain ugly buildings, flat and featureless, utilitarian. Ugly inside and out. And small. But everyone had a place to live. Good and bad in everything. I think maybe the guard drank too much absinthe and got into the wrong locker and is wearing the uniform of his much larger compadre???


  4. Such incredible views, badfish! The architecture is overwhelming. I particularly liked your shot from the tower of the tourists below. Made me a little dizzy but that’s what a good shot should do! Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know…overwhelming is the right word. I couldn’t stop photographing buildings, and doors, and windows. I have a slew of all!!! Looking down from heights makes me oozy, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve somehow missed Prague in all my travels, too, but damn – how lucky are you to have spent 3 months in Ljubljana?! I know it wasn’t quite the same back in 1969 but it’s one of my favorite places these days. Looking forward to seeing your next destination!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lex…I know, it took me a while to get to Prague…maybe it’s a place you have to make a special effort to get to…? I have been back to Ljubljana, and I can see why you like it. The castle on the hill was not a complete structure in 69. And NONE of those cafes and stuff were at the bottom of the hill. It was all tinker shops where men made tin pails, and women made bread in wood ovens. If I had never seen that I would love the place too, but what I love(d) about Ljubljana was the “oldness” of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the angles of your shots and compositions. Enjoyed my visit to Prague through your photos and guidance, not sure that I will ever get the opportunity to visit but after seeing your post would love to. So many places to see, so much to do! Love and Light!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sally…thanks so much. The photo of the pollution of pilgrims…get this…was taken with my iPhone!! I think I’m almost ready to toss out my other camera and just go iPhone! Sooooo much easier to lug around.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. The Church of St. Nicholas is breathtaking! Of all the places you’ve written about THIS one is one I am drawn to. I find that so interesting about Hitler. What a gem this piece is. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • You mean Prague? Yeah, I can see why you are drawn to it. Who wouldn’t be? There is so much good stuff there. But actually now, it is really a little too crowded with tourists. And nothing is in English…I was told the locals don’t really want all those tourists there. I wouldn’t either if I lived there.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You give an outstanding tour of Prague, badfish. The photos are incredible, and very interesting information and great dialogue. I laughed a lot as I read it, especially the part about the tailoring of the uniforms. Really enjoyed the ongoing theme of collective words, too. Terrific post.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Badfish I can always count on you for an intriguing tour of a city. I’m not so taken with those hordes of tourists. Your view looking down reminds me of ants. Yes I imagine the people of Bhutan would not be impressed. Still beautiful architecture and who can blame everyone for wanting to see it for themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sue…yeah, really a beautiful city, loved everything about it, including the cafes selling absinthe exclusively. But right, too many freakin tourists. If you visit, go in winter!! And don’t be tempted to rent a Segway…


  10. Hi Badfish! I’m so sad. You’re in Europe and didn’t show up in Amsterdam to visit the bridge. Devastating!
    Prague is beautiful and your narrative is great. Again.
    Of course, it’s not Buthan. All these backpackers…poop…etc. and a Badfish!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Did you send me an email? I looked but my mailbox got so full, it had bunches of unread messages (including everyone’s weekly digest of posts). I even checked by alphbet, couldn’t find your message??? Have you been to Prague? Yes, it is beautiful. Love it, and its vibe. I could live there, or write there.


        • well, poop…I’m going to go see if I can find your message. And I guess I’m going to need to return to Prague, it was charming and lovely and addictive.


          • Did you find my message ? And if you ever come back there you need to have a stopover at clog land.
            PS. Our friend Debbie is in Italy but unwell and in a hospital. Do you want her whatsapp?


          • I have whatsapp on my phone, but one of my students put it on there, I’ve never used it, don’t know how…but yeah, give me her whatsapp (whatever that is) and I’ll try to use it…oh… I guess that means I finally will go buy a sim card for my phone!!


          • You don’t use your phone for calls? Just wifi? You already have a SIM card anyways, otherwise you wouldn’t beanie to use your phone. To chat with someone via whatsapp, you simply add the Tel number of the person to your contacts. Open the app whatsapp and below you’ll see contacts. Just click on it and it will open all your contacts from your phone. You look for the person you want to reach out and then you just start to chat, provided the person is using whataspp.
            If you really want to talk to her, send your Tel number to me, then I create a group for the three of us and you will get my message. You don’t need to do anything but me.


          • yeah…no…I just got to Malta and haven’t got a local sim card for Malta, so can’t make calls.
            But I just discovered a disturbing thing. I had 30 euros credit (which equates to 60 euros from Lebara and now when I tried to use the phone, it says I don’t have enough credit even to find out how much credit I have, or to make a call! I will go get a local phone number later today. If whatsapp is not through the phone, but is through wifi, my number presently is 031 06 179 467 70, Amsterdam number.


          • You had the same issue?Lost money? BUGGERS!!! My whatsapp is listed under my home phone in Abu Dhabi. Maybe I’ll change it to the new phone (that I didn’t get yet) here? I didn’t find a phone card place, didn’t really look very hard. Found a coffee shop!


          • Yep. Lebara is bad. Don’t buy.
            Ok I got it. How long are you there for? Maybe not worth the effort to get a new SIM card. I haven’t heard from Debbie since Saturday. I guess she returned home. I’ll keep you posted.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Leaving here tomorrow. Arriving AMS at 1100! Can’t check in till 3. Coffee?

            They say I can store my bags in their office, but haven’t told me where that is…if different than the apartment I’m renting.

            My phone (Malta) for now: +356 99716421…text me. It’s not Lebara! Vodofone. I’ll be sitting in airport cafe for at least an hour before hitting the train.


          • I know! What’s up with that, eh? I like the word “buggers”, and I think I’m going to start using it. It’s so much cooler than other curse words, almost sounds not like a curse word.


          • argh, dearest Lutje and Baddie, i always love reading at the Badfish and Chips Cafe, but this is delightfully touching. Yes, Lucille, I’m out of the Venetian hospital and never been so glad to set foot home in China again!!!!! How sweet you guys were working out to whatsapp me!!! Yes, my OPPO had problems with roaming service running out, no wifi…. oh heres a tale to make you laugh. As we were driving back from the airport ( ie paid a driver to pick us up and drive us home) my daughter was asking him about wifi. He answered her pronouncing it “wifey”. I had to explain to him in Chinese what “wifey” meant. The ad and the way he was saying wifi made it sound like ‘come into my cab and get a free wifey”.
            Okay enough said..

            for now….. 🙂
            Thanks guys, and a big hug to you Lucille.


          • PS, worst case of food poisoning I’ve EVER had, compounded by an extremely allergic reaction to the food they gave me. BUT I was in Venice, the ambulance was via boat, a view of the Lagoon from my hospital bed, AND the food was excellent!
            Did I mention i was in Venice? All’s well that ends well…. and I can cross Venice off my list now! 🙂


    • HA! I think you’d still like the place, go in winter when the stags are hibernating!! But actually, you might actually like one of those stag parties!!


  11. Badfish, this is a marvellous collection of photos and your commentary is so entertaining. I’m thinking we must go to Prague sooner rather than later. Oh, and I’m intrigued – when did you taste kerosine-soaked skunk cabbage? Please share this story with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Well, for a fish who doesn’t seem to belong to any school, you sure are a “groupie” in this post! But, if I were to hazard a guess, seenin’ as how your camera got a rise out of naked cat woman thang, you wouldn’t mind flocking around with the Boobies next time you’re in the Galápagos Islands.
    (I think it’s great you made a point to go to a city you mean to see when you were just a wee laddy. As always, enjoyable post and pics).

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! a fish not belonging to any school…I love that!! And right…I could (hey, and actually did) flock around with those blue footer boobies in the Galapagos! And I just don’t know why it took so long to get to Prague!! I mean, first it was the Russians, but then….?

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Beautiful and entertaining. I was noticing how more vibrant the colors were in your Bhutan and other trips other than in the boob shot and the “whiteness of swans” in the sunset. These almost look like paintings. Are you using a different lens or is there another reason the colors or is there a haze?
    I also was curious as to who determines handsome, followed by my first thought was who fitted his uniform (or didn’t)? I suppose it’s all relative.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Beggars prostrating themselves always get to me. I guess they want me to feel really guilty for being able to afford to be a tourist. Fantastic tour of a city I have yet to see. It’seems to have featured a lot on various blogs recently. That guards uniform doesn’t fit too well. As you say, it needs a bit of nip and tuck here and there. I love the collective term ‘gaggle’ for girls. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah, Prague seems to be a place where MANY people are going these days, this summer. Thousands cross the Charles Bridge at any one time. Winter would be the time to go if you wanted a photo without a cast of thousands in your shot.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Some great shots in this post. I love the whiteness and the gaggle and the litter. There’s a soft quality to your photos that I really like. I’d love to be able to get it. I need to experiment more with camera settings I think.
    You are one of two bloggers I follow who are posting about Prague at the moment. It is high on our list for when we finally get back to Europe. It looks like a city that will make me swoon despite the curmudgeon of tourists.


    • Thanks Alison. My camera comes with no guidebook…if you can believe that. You can download one from Sony, but all professional photographers agree, it’s worthless and unusable. I did download, and thought: “huh?”. I did buy a book though. And once in a while I read what something is or how to do something, like the four settings for focusing. I just use the regular one though. I like the setting that makes it B&W except for the color red. By mistake, I took a couple photos of Tigers Nest in Bhutan on “soft focus.” Didn’t like it for that shot at all.

      Liked by 2 people

  16. I like it when a group of people are actually talking to each other instead of being fixated to their mobile phones! When I saw that beggar prostrating on the bridge, I couldn’t help to think what a stark contrast such view is in some parts of Asia (particularly Bhutan and Tibet). Prague oh Prague, it’s so popular but it does indeed look charming.

    Btw Malta it is, eh?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bama, I know…it’s so rare to see a group of people actually talking to each other. I see the efficacy of a mobil phone, but I simply don’t want to spend all day looking at the thing, or carrying everywhere with me. If you go to Prague, go in winter when there are few tourists and you can get a shot of Charles Bridge with snow on it!!! It is looking like Malta…have you been there? I haven’t. The photos I’ve seen look interesting, and I met a Scot in Prague who loves Malta…


  17. Hey bf-
    Remember how I just said I have two photos to show you??
    Make it three !
    I have a black widow we found in the wheel well of my son’s car – it was parked at camp for a couple weeks – yikes!

    And the three ladies on the bench – actually talking is kinda cool – but the entire composition is truly a work of art – it reminds me of the photographer out of the 60s – can’t recall his name – but he was sponsored and got all this film and was all ADD and took hundreds (thiusnsds) of snapshots – I heard the pics were numbered snd archived a few years ago- anyhow – he has one shot of 60’s girls at the space center (I think) and your ladies reminded me of his work!
    And laughing at how your “camera” is what rises – bah!
    And I think it was fine to share that photo – shows the cuiture and times –
    And the man praying – love that shot!
    Oh – the tourist came first – !

    Liked by 1 person

      • You do not seem ADD at all – and when I think of his name I will come back and tell you – but he really took pictures so haphazardly and actually I think had many junk shots – and that does not seem like bf at all! It is the photo of the gaggle of chicks –
        Anyhow – the ill-fitted uniform still has me thinking –

        Liked by 1 person

          • Well I love your work – and I was actually thinking about it when I was scrolling all your comments and saw how popular your blog is – I was reflecting back to one of your early posts – was your first a Tuesday texture challenge with narami?
            Either way – it is nice getting to know you as your stories unfold and as your photos give the blogosphere some great beauty- diversity and lots of color – those two words are the first that come to my mind with your work -and it seems like you are now on a wave of deeper photo processing- or have you always done that?
            Either way – I uploaded the photos to show you – and will put them on my Misc page on my. Blog – ok?

            Liked by 1 person

          • I am sorry – it says RVA and misc – but I still need to update the page – I am mobile and it is slowing me done – can you come back in a bit (sorry) – and one photo is the bad fish 3 and another is an avacado – and guess what? I ate it like an apple – oh not Cade – I love your “open hand attitude about it”
            I really do!
            And how you said if God wants her to have it – that is one smooth view!
            And I kinda want to buy her Subaru for Chad – bahthe skin – but I was desperate on s road trip – lol –

            Liked by 1 person

          • life is life…nothing to be done about that except be here and take another step each day, eh. Let me know when it’s ready (and where to look!)

            Liked by 1 person

          • found it…but where is it, on which date posted, and why no comments? Love the badfish 3, though!!! maybe a twin brother, or a brother from another mother???

            Liked by 1 person

          • brother from another mother for sure.
            and I just put it on a page because I have not had the chance to blog about it yet.
            I am going to do a “blogger friend” kind of post in late August and will share the baddish 3 that way. at least that is the plan right now – but blogging is very week to week for me – I intentionally keep it this way and it helps me enjoy it more.

            but that photo really reminded me of you – and side note – we just saw Prague featured in a movie and I told the family of this post – fun!


  18. Well this post is a gem (not surprised!). A whiteness of swans, a gaggle of girls, a curmudgeon of tourists… 😉 Thanks for such an entertaining read! Loved the photo of the guard, almost painting-like, and the iconic photo of the girls smiling behind the beggar. I even like your widget! Happy customer here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Oh how beautiful these photographs of Prague are.

    I love the capture of the “bevy of tourists” plus beggar on his knees, and as well the “litter of advertising.” You certainly have a way with words and eye for the unusual.

    Great post! A place I have not been to but am eager to experience, if for the architectural gems alone. Maybe in the dead of winter though ~ all thise tourists are way too scary for me. You are obviously braver!



    • If I return to Prague, I would prefer to go in winter…total lack of tourists. But snow. Which would make for a good photo on the Charles Bridge. Maybe early early spring, or late fall, too?


  20. So this is where you ended up, fishy friend 🙂 🙂 You could do worse. 2 responses- horrified by the curmudgeon- I really don’t like crowds and would have to climb the tower- any tower!- to escape 🙂 And the prostrate beggar with the oblivious ‘ladies’. I would struggle with this city but for obvious reasons I’ve always wanted to go. Early mornings would be fine 🙂 Thanks for finding me. I was too lazy to do it for myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, luckily THAT kind of crowd only happens on the hour and at the clock because they all want to see it. But there are crowds in the evening. Mornings are good to walk because people are sleeping off the night before. Go in winter, or fall or spring. Summer…it’s going to be crowded, I fear. Still, worth it.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Ok, now you’ve finally done it. I HAVE to visit Prague. mein gott What a gorgeous city. I know for a fact it has incredible pastries and coffee. Gotta be there myself with my cameras. Meanwhile, you painted it for me vividly. Thank you, you lucky human being, you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know, all you have to do is look around, and there’s another great building to look at. You’ll love Prague. I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t…yet. Some, don’t like the crowds of tourists, though.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Prague is definitely on the list. Its place on the list has gone lower after reading this post because I am dreading the throngs of tourists but it has gone higher based on the visuals in this and your subsequent post. So it has really stayed in the same place on the list. My current agenda – SE Asia 2016, The Indian Ocean 2017, Europe or The Americas 2018. If it is Europe, I’ll see Prague then. Love your new motto.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Prague is “Visual Capital of the World.” You can’t look anywhere without going …Whoa. I have to admire people who plan out their lives a year or two ahead. I don’t know what I’m doing at 1 pm TODAY. If it is Europe, maybe go in spring or fall, or better…winter.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. You really do take the best pictures. I love this flock of photos.
    Your posts are so enjoyable – lots of beautiful images and your imagination and wit keeps us all smiling. Thanks, BF.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Ah, Mr Badfish.
    A whiteness of swans, a herd of murals, a pollution of pilgrims and a cacophony of collective nouns!
    Even Kafka, or Kafka’s Dad, was mentioned…..
    Now, that dude… the guard guy… good gracious me, if he is deemed to be the most handsome, may all the gods forbid that anyone should have to set eyes on the more uglier ones …

    So how’s this, Badfish. When you missed the actual first Prague Summer, you got to Venice instead.
    You spend half a lifetime waiting to get to Prague. I dream of Venice since I was 7. ( poetic licence… cant remember the age, but its been a lifelong goal, ya know…. gotta get to Venice before I die. Once I even went to the Venetian Hotel in Macau, cause I couldnt afford to get to the real deal…)

    But I digress. Is this some kind of weird Blogging Balance thing? You get to go to the place you’ve always wanted to go to, and at the same time I get to go to the place I’ve always wanted to go to, which happens to be the place where you went when you couldnt go to the place you wanted to go to…..

    Yeah, like weird, right? Enough to make one wanna find a Bridge to Sigh upon… sigh….

    But like, you can join up with all your other blogging mates back in Prague, because I aint ever going to any city Kafka ever spent a whole lotta time in. Pretty architecture and nice sky views not withstanding

    Anyhow…. you did mention Kafka’s Dad, but you didnt channel Kafka. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe that one should be left well alone. Somethings are just not worth contemplating.

    I’ll just go look at the whiteness of swans instead.
    While I ponder what a collective noun for bloggers might be.
    A blasphemy of bloggers?

    ( and waving to Mary, who I am fortunate to be sitting next to in the reply chain on BadfishnChips Cafe…….)


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